例句 |
dependableadjective worthy of one's trustseeking a dependable person to look after their summer home in the off-season calculable, good, reliable, responsible, safe, secure, solid, steady, sure, tried, tried-and-true, true, trustable, trustworthy, trusty constant, devoted, faithful, fast, loyal, staunch(also stanch), steadfast, true-bluehonest, sincere, single-mindedinfallible, unerringbedrock, firm, sound, strongeffective, tellingattested, authenticated, confirmed, proven, valid, validated, verifiedblameless, faultless, guiltless, impeccable, inerrant, irreproachable, unimpeachable, unquestionable dodgy(chiefly British), uncertain, undependable, unreliable, unsafe, untrustworthy disloyal, faithless, false, fickle, inconstant, perfidious, recreant, traitorous, treacherous, unfaithful, untruedeceitful, dishonest, lying, mendacious, untruthfuldebatable, disputable, doubtable, doubtful, dubious, fishy, problematic(also problematical), questionable, shady, shaky, suspect, uncertain, unsoundhazardous, riskyunconfirmed, untried in 1735 |