例句 |
subjugatingnoun the act or process of bringing someone or something under one's controla military occupation that was seen by the people of that country as just another subjugating by an outside power conquest, dominating, domination, overpowering, subduing, subjecting, subjection, subjugation, vanquishing triumph, victory, win, winningbeating, defeat, drubbing, licking, shellacking, trimming, trouncing, whippingenslavementtakeover emancipation, enfranchisement, freeing, liberation, manumission, release subjugatingverbpresent participle of subjugateto bring under one's control by force of armsexplorers who subjugated the natives in the name of religion conquering, dominating, overpowering, pacifying, subduing, subjecting, subordinating, vanquishing annihilating, beating, clobbering, crushing, defeating, drubbing, licking, mowing (down), overcoming, prevailing (over), reducing, routing, skunking, smashing, thrashing, triumphing (over), trouncing, walloping, whippingenslavingbreaking, clamping down (on), cracking down (on), putting down, quashing, quelling, repressing, silencing, smothering, snuffing (out), squashing, squelching, suppressing discharging, emancipating, enfranchising, freeing, liberating, manumitting, releasing, springing, unbinding, uncaging, unchaining, unfettering |