例句 |
desolationsnounpl. of desolation land that is uninhabited or not fit for cropslooked out over the vast untamed desolation to the north barrens, deserts, heaths, no-man's-lands, wastelands, wastes badlandsbrushes, bushesdust bowlsoutdoorsnatures, wildernesses, wilds the state of being unattended to or not cared forthe desolation of the abandoned garden dilapidations, disrepairs, neglects inattentions, negligencesabandonments, desertionsdecays, decrepitudes, derelictions, deteriorations, disintegrations, ruinations, ruins repair conservations, preservations, upkeeps the state or fact of being rendered nonexistent, physically unsound, or uselessthe nuclear attack resulted in a scene of utter desolation annihilations, decimations, demolishments, demolitions, destructions, devastations, exterminations, extinctions, havoc, losses, mincemeats, obliterations, ruinations, ruins, wastages, wreckages depredations, despoilments, despoliationsbreakups, collapses, disintegrations, dissolutionsassassinations, executions, killings, massacres, slaughtersdismantlements, effacements, eradications buildings, constructions, erections rescues, salvages, salvations, savingsconservations, preservations, protectionsreclamations, reconstructions, re-creations, refurbishments, regeneracies, renovations, restorations |