例句 |
diableriesnounpl. of diablerie the power to control natural forces through supernatural meanssince the common folk had an unshakable belief in a personal devil, a charge of diablerie was taken seriously bewitcheries, bewitchments, devilries(or deviltries), enchantments, ensorcellments, magics, mojoes(or mojos), necromancies, sorceries, thaumaturgies, voodooisms, witchcrafts, witcheries, wizardries abracadabras, amulets, charms, fetishes(also fetiches), mascots, periapts, phylacteries, talismansconjurations, glamours(also glamors), incantations, spellscurses, hexes, jinxesauguries, crystal gazings, divinations, fortune-tellings, soothsayings, sortilegeshexereis, hoodoos, occultisms, spiritualismsaugurs, omensexorcismsalchemies sciences |