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roomnoun an extent or area available for or used up by some activity or thingI need more room to do a cartwheel they made room for him on the bench elbow room, place, space, way capacity, compass, range, scopeberth, clearance, freedom, latitude, leeway, play an area within a building that has been set apart from surrounding space by a wallfinally had a room to himself when his older brother went off to college apartment, cell, chamber, closet accommodation, bay, berth, booth, cabin, compartment, cubiclealcove, niche, nook, recesssnuggery(chiefly British) a favorable combination of circumstances, time, and placethere's still room for improvement break, chance, occasion, opening, opportunity, shot play, wayjuncture, pass roomverbto provide with living quarters or shelterwe can room up to four visitors in our two guest bedrooms accommodate, bestow, billet, bivouac, board, bunk, camp, chamber, domicile, encamp, harbor, house, lodge, put up, quarter, roof, shelter, take in ensconce, home, roost, secure, shed, stable, tentbarrackbed (down) eject, evict before the 12th century |