例句 |
superintendencesnounpl. of superintendence the act or activity of looking after and making decisions about somethingunder her lax superintendence the company eventually went bankrupt administrations, care, charges, conducts, controls, directions, governances, governments, guidance, handlings, intendances, managements, operations, oversights, presidencies, regulations, stewardships, superintendencies, supervisions generalships, leaderships, rulershipsagenciesaegises(also egises), custodies, guardianships, laps, protections, trusts, tutelages, wardslogistics, machinations, manipulationscoadministrations, codirections(or co-directions) the duty or function of watching or guarding for the sake of proper direction or controlthe superintendence of the local music festival is handled jointly by the city and the county care, charges, guidance, headships, oversights, regulations, stewardships, superintendencies, supervisions, surveillances observances, observationsadministrations, controls, directions, generalships, hands, managementsleadershipsgovernments, reigns, rulesaegises(also egises), auspices, guardianships, protections, trusteeships, tutelages |