例句 |
superintendencynoun the duty or function of watching or guarding for the sake of proper direction or controlsuperintendency of the polling places is largely carried out by retired citizens care, charge, guidance, headship, oversight, regulation, stewardship, superintendence, supervision, surveillance monitoring, observance, observation, observing, policingadministration, control, direction, generalship, hand(s), management, runningleadership, piloting, shepherding, steeringgovernment, reign, ruleaegis(also egis), auspices, guardianship, protection, trusteeship, tutelage the act or activity of looking after and making decisions about somethingcurrently a faculty member is needed for superintendency of the program administration, care, charge, conduct, control, direction, governance, government, guidance, handling, intendance, management, operation, oversight, presidency, regulation, running, stewardship, superintendence, supervision generalship, leadership, rulershipagencyaegis(also egis), custody, guardianship, keeping, lap, protection, safekeeping, trust, tutelage, wardengineering, logistics, machination, manipulationcoadministration, codirection, comanagement in 1562 |