例句 |
jeersnounpl. of jeer a vocal sound made to express scorn or disapprovalignored the jeers of the other team's fans and just focused on making her free throw shot birds(chiefly British), boos, Bronx cheers, catcalls, hisses, hoots, raspberries, razzes, snorts smirks, sneers, snickers, sniggersgibes(or jibes), put-downs, tauntswhistles cheers applauses jeersverbpresent tense third-person singular of jeerto make (someone or something) the object of unkind laughterthe unforgiving crowd jeered the magician when the final trick went awry derides, gibes(or jibes), laughs (at), mocks, ridicules, scouts, shoots down, skewers scoffs (at), scorns, sneers (at)bad-mouths, belittles, decries, disparages, pooh-poohs(also poohs), puts downchaffs, jives, joshes, kids, quizzes, rallies, razzes, ribs, rides, teases, tweaks, twitsbaits, barracks(chiefly British), bugs, catcalls, harasses, harries, hassles, heckles, needles, pesters, rags, targets, taunts, tormentsapes, burlesques, caricatures, imitates, lampoons, mimics, parodies, parrots, pillories, satirizes, takes off (on), travesties cocks a snook (at)also cocks snooks (at), makes fun of, makes sport of, pokes fun at, rags on applauds, approves, commends, endorses(also indorses), sanctions |