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faultsnounpl. of fault an unintentional departure from truth or accuracythere's a fault somewhere in the program blunders, bobbles, boo-boos, boobs(British), bricks, clangers(British), clinkers, errors, flubs, fluffs, fumbles, gaffes, gaffs, goofs, inaccuracies, lapses, miscues, missteps, mistakes, oversights, screwups, slips, slipups, stumbles, trips bloomers, bloopers, boners, howlers, pratfallsfoul-ups, snafusmisapprehensions, miscalculations, miscomprehensions, misconceptions, misconstructions, miscues, misdescriptions, misimpressions, misinterpretations, misjudgments, misreadings, misstatements, misunderstandings accuracies, exactitudes, precisionsinerrancies, infallibilities, perfections something that spoils the appearance or completeness of a thingthe minor faults in the leather are entirely natural and are what gives it a look different from vinyl blemishes, blights, blotches, defects, deformities, disfigurements, excrescences, excrescencies, flaws, imperfections, marks, mars, pockmarks, scars abnormalities, distortions, irregularities, malformations, misshapesbugs, glitches, kinksblots, blurs, spots, stains, taintsdamages, defacements, impairments, injuriesfailings, weaknesses adornments, decorations, embellishments, enhancements, ornaments the state of being held as the cause of something that needs to be set rightthe investigator determined that the auto accident was entirely the other driver's fault blames, liabilities, responsibilities accountabilities, answerabilities faultsverbpresent tense third-person singular of faultto express one's unfavorable opinion of the worth or quality ofyou should look at your own work before faulting what others have done blames, censures, condemns, criticizes, denounces, dispraises, disses(slang), knocks, pans, reprehends, slags(chiefly British) skewers, tweaksassails, attacks, blasts, clobbers, slams, slashesnicks (at), snipes (at)beefs, bellyaches, bitches, carps, cavils, complains, crabs, croaks, fusses, gripes, grouses, growls, grumbles, kicks, kvetches, moans, murmurs, mutters, niggles, quibbles, whinesadmonishes, chides, drubs, rebukes, reprimands, reproaches, reprovesberates, castigates, crucifies, excoriates, flays, gibbets, hammers, keelhauls, lambastes(or lambasts), lashes, pillories, scolds, upbraidsbad-mouths, belittles, decries, derides, discommends, disparages, puts down comes down hard (on), finds fault (with), takes to task extols(also extolls), lauds, praises approves, commends, endorses(also indorses), recommends, sanctions |