例句 |
dinosaursnounpl. of dinosaur one that has passed the peak of effectiveness or popularityas an old-time big-city boss, he's become something of a dinosaur in today's political world has-beens, relics dodoes(or dodos), fogies(also fogeys), fossils, old-timersfuddy-duddies, mossbacks, stick-in-the-muds, stodges(British), troglodytesthrowbacks comers, rising stars, up-and-comers something or someone that is unusually large and powerfulnot that his small lawn needed such a dinosaur, but he bought a riding mower anyway behemoths, blockbusters, colossi, dreadnoughts, elephants(also elephant), giants, Goliaths, jumbos, leviathans, mammoths, mastodons, monsters, titans, whales, whoppers amazons, giantessesbulks, hulksheavyweightsjuggernauts, steamrollers diminutives, dwarfs(also dwarves), half-pints, midgets, mites, peewees, pygmies(also pigmies), runts, shrimp(or shrimps) lightweights, weaklings, wimps, wispsnonentities, twerps, whippersnappers |