例句 |
disallowverb to declare not to be truedisallowing the philosophical concept of free will contradict, deny, disaffirm, disavow, disclaim, disconfirm, disown, gainsay, negate, negative, refute, reject, repudiate traversechallenge, confute, disprove, rebutdisagree (with), dispute acknowledge, admit, allow, avow, concede, confirm, own accept, adopt, embrace, espouseaffirm, announce, assert, aver, claim, declare, maintain, profess, submitauthenticate, corroborate, substantiate, validate, verify to be unwilling to grantdisallowed the defendant's request for a new trial decline, deny, disapprove, negative, nix, refuse, reject, reprobate, withhold ban, enjoin, forbid, prohibit, proscribe, vetorebuff, repel, spurncheck, constrain, curb, hold, keep, repress, restrain, restrictbalk (at), hinder, impede, obstruct allow, concede, grant, let, OK(or okay), permit afford, furnish, give, provide, supplyauthorize, commission, license(also licence)accede (to), acquiesce, agree (to), assent (to), consent (to), warrantaccord, sanction, vouchsafe in the 15th century |