例句 |
requiteverb to provide (someone) with a just payment for loss or injurythe company requited the employee who had fallen on the ice while leaving work by promptly paying all his medical bills, hoping that would stave off a lawsuit compensate, indemnify, recompense, recoup, remunerate, satisfy refund, reimburse, repayredress, remedy, repairdischarge, pay, quit to punish in kind the wrongdoer responsible forthe future writer would later requite the abuse he suffered at the hands of his classmates by creating scathing portraits of them in his novels avenge, redress, retaliate, revenge, venge(archaic) castigate, fix, get, penalize, punish, scourgechasten, chastise, correct, disciplinerightcompensate, pay (back), recompense, repay get even (for) absolve, condone, excuse, forgive, pardon, remit to make a return forI fear my love for her will never be requited reciprocate, recompense, repay exchangecompensate, indemnify, pay, recoup, remunerate, satisfygive back, refund, reimburse, restituteavenge, get back (at), retaliate, revenge owe reciprocate, retaliate, requite, return mean to give back usually in kind or in quantity.reciprocate implies a mutual or equivalent exchange or a paying back of what one has received.reciprocated their hospitality by inviting them for a visit retaliate usually implies a paying back of injury in exact kind, often vengefully.the enemy retaliated by executing their prisoners requite implies a paying back according to one's preference and often not equivalently.requited her love with cold indifference return implies a paying or giving back.returned their call return good for evil in the 15th century |