例句 |
pulls togetherphrasepresent tense third-person singular of pull together to form or enter into an association that furthers the interests of its membersThe two groups pulled together in difficult times. allies, associates, bands (together), clubs, coalesces, coheres, confederates, conjoins, cooperates, federates, leagues, unites cabals, collaborates, gangs up, hangs together, teams (up)incorporates, organizes, unionizesaffiliatesamalgamates, combines, conglomerates, consolidates, converges, groups, joins, mergesknots, links, ties, weds closes ranks breaks up, disbands detaches, disengages, dissolves, disunites, divorces, parts, segregates, separates, severs, splits, sundersalienates, estranges, falls out to participate or assist in a joint effort to accomplish an endThe whole team pulled together to get the job done. bands (together), collaborates, concerts, concurs, conjoins, conspires, cooperates, joins, leagues, teams (up), unites connivesaffiliates, allies, associates, combines, confederates, hangs together, interfaces makes common cause, plays ball |