例句 |
tapestriesnounpl. of tapestry something made up of many different things, people, etc.In spring and early summer, the garden was a vivid tapestry of colors. All of our experiences, both good and bad, form part of the rich tapestry of our lives. mosaicsagglomerates, agglomerations, alphabet soups, assortments, botches, clutters, collages, crazy quilts, farragoes, gallimaufries, grab bags, gumbos, hashes, hodgepodges, hotchpotches, jambalayas, jumbles, jungles, litters, macédoines, medleys, mélanges, menageries, miscellanea, miscellanies, mishmashes, mixed bags, montages, motleys, muddles, olios, olla podridas(also ollas podridas), omnium-gatherums, pastiches, patchwork quilts, patchworks, potpourris, ragbags, ragouts, rainbows, rummages, salads, salmagundis, scrambles, shuffles, smorgasbords, stews, tumbles, varieties, weltersdetritus, notions, oddments, odds and ends, sundriesaccumulations, aggregates, aggregations, conglomerates, conglomerationscatchallsadmixtures, alloys, amalgams, blends, combinations, commixtures, composites, compounds, fusions, intermixtures, mix-upsbollixes, chaoses, confusions, disarrangements, disarrays, disorders, dog's breakfasts(chiefly British), messes, morasses, shamblesimbroglios, knots, snarls, tangles |