例句 |
qualifyingverbpresent participle of qualify to limit the meaning of (as a noun)qualifying the noun "adventure" in the title of your story with a descriptive adjective would make it more attention-grabbing modifying altering, coloring, distorting, misrepresenting, misstating, perverting, twisting, warpingnarrowing broadening, expanding, widening to make competent (as by training, skill, or ability) for a particular office or functionraising five children has qualified her to be an advice columnist on parenting equipping, fitting, preparing, readying, seasoning, training accustoming, adapting, adjusting, conditioning, grooming, habituating, shaping, tailoringauthorizing, entitlingempowering, enablingeducating, indoctrinating, instructing, schooling, teaching, tutoring to give a right tothis coupon qualifies the bearer for an extra 15% off the discounted price authorizing, entitling, privileging empowering, enabling, enfranchising, licensing(also licencing)approving, endorsing(also indorsing)allowing, letting, permittingaccrediting, certificating, certifying, chartering(British), ratifyinglegitimizing, sanctioning, validating, warrantingreaccrediting, reapproving, recertifying, rechartering, revalidating disqualifying disabling, disempowering, disenfranchisingdecertifyingdisallowing, forbidding, proscribingdelegitimizing, invalidating, nullifying to give official or legal power topassing the state bar exam will qualify you to practice law accrediting, authorizing, certifying, chartering(British), commissioning, empowering, enabling, investing, licensing(also licencing), vesting, warranting approving, clearing, credentialing(also credentialling), endorsing(also indorsing), OK'ing(or okaying), sanctioningaffirming, confirming, validatinginaugurating, inducting, initiating, installing, instating, swearing inallowing, letting, permittingenfranchising, entitling, privileging disqualifying banning, barring, blocking, constraining, denying, disallowing, disbarring, discouraging, disenfranchising, disfranchising, excluding, hindering, holding back, impeding, inhibiting, obstructing, preventing, shutting out, stoppingenjoining, forbidding, interdicting, outlawing, prohibiting, proscribing, vetoing |