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sustainverb to supply with nourishmenta granola bar should sustain you long enough to last until lunch nourish, nurture sate, satiate, satisfynurse, sucklecloy, fill, surfeitfortify, replenish, strengthenfeedboard, cater, provision, victual to come to a knowledge of (something) by living through itsustained serious injuries in the car crash endure, experience, feel, have, know, pass, see, suffer, taste, undergo, witness encounter, meetaccept, receiveassimilate, digest go through to put up with (something painful or difficult)I won't sustain such insolence! abide, absorb, accept, bear, bide(chiefly dialect), brook, countenance, endure, go, hack, handle, meet, pocket, stand, stick out, stomach, support, sweat out, take, tolerate, wear(British) allow, permit, suffer, swallowreconcile (to)acquiesce, agree (with or to), assent (to), capitulate, consent (to), respect, submit (to), yield (to) live with, lump (it), stand for, tough it out decline, dismiss, refuse, reject, repudiate, spurn, turn downcombat, contest, fight, oppose, resistavoid, bypass, circumvent, dodge, elude, escape, evade, missabstain (from), forbear, refrain (from) to hold up or serve as a foundation forthat old chair won't sustain your weight bear, bolster, brace, buttress, carry, prop (up), shore (up), stay, support, undergird, underpin, uphold steady, truss, underlie in the 13th century |