

单词 dispatch
例句 dispatchnoun

a message on paper from one person or group to anothera soldier sending daily dispatches to friends and family back home

epistle, letter, memo, memorandum, missive, note

billet-doux, open letterairmail, card, electronic mail, e-mail, junk mail, mail, postal card, postcardcommunication, reportencyclical

a piece of conveyed informationa dispatch from headquarters regarding a change in battle plans

communication, message

bulletin, communiqué, express(British), reportmemo, memorandum, noticeepistle, letter, missive, noteelectronic mail, e-mail, voice mailintelligence, news, tidings, wordcommand, directive, instruction, order


to cause to go or be taken from one place to anotherdispatched a messenger with urgent news

consign, pack (off), send, ship, shoot, transfer, transmit, transport

convey, deliver, hand over, pass, renderadvance, drop, launchaddress, forwardexport, importbestow, contribute, donate, give, presentresend, return

accept, receive

acquire, draw, earn, gain, garner, get, obtain, procure, secure

to deprive of lifethe exterminator dispatched the termites with professional efficiency

carry off, claim, croak(slang), destroy, do in, fell, kill, slay, take

bump off, butcher, cut down, finish, get, ice(slang), knock off, murder, neutralize, off(slang), put away, rub out, scrag, snuff, take out, waste, whack(slang)annihilate, blot out, decimate, kill off, massacre, mow, slaughter, smiteassassinate, execute, martyr, terminateeuthanize(also euthanatize), put downsuicide

do away with, do for(chiefly British), make away with


raise, restore, resurrect, resuscitate, revivenurture

to put to death deliberatelyduring his reign of terror the dictator dispatched thousands without the slightest qualm

assassinate, bump off, croak(slang), do in, execute, get, ice(slang), knock off, liquidate, murder, neutralize, off(slang), put away, rub out, slay, snuff, take out, terminate, whack(slang)

blow away, shoot, shoot downblot out, carry off, claim, cut down, destroy, fell, kill, smite, zapbutcher, massacre, mow (down), slaughterannihilate, eliminate, eradicate, exterminate, wipe out

do away with

animate, raise, restore, resurrect, resuscitate, revive

to achieve a victory overthey dispatched the other team without breaking a sweat

beat, best, conquer, defeat, do down(British), get, get around, lick, master, overbear, overcome, overmatch, prevail (over), skunk, stop, subdue, surmount, take, trim, triumph (over), upend, win (against), worst

sweepedge (out), nose out, pip(British)annihilate, blow away, blow out, bomb, break, bury, clobber, cream, crush, drub, finish, flatten, overwhelm, rout, shellac, skin, slaughter, smoke(slang), snow under, thrash, trounce, upset, wallop, wax(slang), whipcap, excel, flourish, score, succeedknock off, knock over, overpower, overthrow, subjugate, unseat, vanquishace (out), better, eclipse, exceed, excel, outdistance, outdo, outfight, outshine, outstrip, overtop, surpass, top, transcend

get the better of, knock for a loop

lose (to)

fall, give up, go down, go undercollapse, fail, flop, flunk, fold, wash out

n.haste, hurry, speed, expedition, dispatch mean quickness in movement or action.haste applies to personal action and implies urgency and precipitancy and often rashness.marry in hastehurry often has a strong suggestion of agitated bustle or confusion.in the hurry of departure she forgot her toothbrushspeed suggests swift efficiency in movement or action.exercises to increase your reading speedexpedition and dispatch both imply speed and efficiency in handling affairs but expedition stresses ease or efficiency of performance and dispatch stresses promptness in concluding matters.the case came to trial with expeditionpaid bills with dispatch

v.kill, slay, murder, assassinate, dispatch, execute mean to deprive of life.kill merely states the fact of death caused by an agency in any manner.killed in an accidentfrost killed the plantsslay is a chiefly literary term implying deliberateness and violence but not necessarily motive.slew thousands of the Philistinesmurder specifically implies stealth and motive and premeditation and therefore full moral responsibility.convicted of murdering a rivalassassinate applies to deliberate killing openly or secretly often for political motives.terrorists assassinated the Senatordispatch stresses quickness and directness in putting to death.dispatched the sentry with one bulletexecute stresses putting to death as a legal penalty.executed by lethal gas

in 1517





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