例句 |
dispensedverbpast tense of dispense to give out (something) to appropriate individualsa conscientious pharmacist never dispenses pills to people without assurances that they understand the instructions administered, allocated, apportioned, dealt (out), distributed, doled out, handed out, meted (out), parceled (out)(or parcelled (out)), portioned, prorated admeasured, allotted, allowed, appropriated, assigned, dished out, divided, divvied (up), dolloped (out), lotted, measured (out), parted, proportioned, rationed, redistributed, set, shared (out), splitbestowed, disbursed, furnished, issued, provided, shared, suppliedcirculated, dispersed, disseminated, scattered, spreadchipped in, contributed, donated, pledgedreallocated, reapportioned misallocated begrudged, declined, denied, deprived (of), disallowed, refused, rejected, withheldniggled (out), pinched, skimped, stinted |