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keepnoun the act or activity of keeping something in an existing and usually satisfactory conditionthe keep of the stable is mainly left to the two equine-loving daughters care and feeding, conservation, conserving, maintenance, preservation, preserving, sustentation, upkeep conservancysupport, sustainingcare, custody, guardianshipdefense, guarding, protection, safeguarding, safekeeping dereliction, disregard, ignoring, inattention, neglect, negligencedamage, demolition, destruction, harm, hurt, injury, ruin, ruination keepverbto mark with an appropriate practice, rite, or ceremonykeep the Sabbath by not working celebrate, commemorate, observe bless, consecrate, sanctify, solemnizefete(or fête), honor, laud, praisememorialize, remember break, transgress, violate blow off, disregard, forget, ignore, neglect, overlook to continue to have in one's possession or powerthe money is yours to keep keep my secret and don't tell it to anyone hold, reserve, retain, withhold conserve, guard, preserve, protect, saveboast, enjoy, have, own, possesscommand, control, detain, direct, manage, rulebear, harborcherish, cling (to), hug, treasure hang on to, hold on to give up, hand over, release, relinquish, surrender, yield abandon, cede, dropcontribute, donate, give, hand outdiscard, dumpdecline, reject, repudiate, spurnlose to do what is required by the terms ofmake sure you keep your promise to help out at the homeless shelter answer, complete, comply (with), fill, fulfill(or fulfil), meet, redeem, satisfy conclude, consummate, finalize, finish, perfectaccomplish, achieve, bring about, bring off, carry out, effectcommit, compass, discharge, execute, follow through (with), make, perform abide by, make good(or make good on) breach, break, transgress, violate default (on)disregard, forget, ignore, neglect, overlook, overpass, pass over, slight to place somewhere for safekeeping or ready availabilityI keep extra toothbrushes for unexpected overnight guests to pay the living expenses ofagreed to keep both of their children in off-campus housing until they graduated and found jobs maintain, provide (for), support finance, fund, patronize, set up, sponsor, stake, underwrite foot the bill (for), take care of to look after and make decisions aboutenlisted a relative to keep the store while she was away administer, administrate, carry on, conduct, control, direct, govern, guide, handle, manage, operate, overlook, oversee, preside (over), regulate, run, steward, superintend, supervise, tend care (for), mind, watchlead, pilot, steerguard, protect, safeguardmicromanage, stage-managecodirect, comanage watch over to keep from exceeding a desirable degree or level (as of expression)try to keep your composure no matter what happens bridle, check, constrain, contain, control, curb, govern, hold, inhibit, measure, pull in, regulate, rein (in), restrain, rule, tame bottle (up), choke (back), hold back, mince, muffle, pocket, repress, sink, smother, squelch, stifle, strangle, suppress, swallowarrest, interrupt, stopblock, hamper, handcuff, hinder, impede, obstructgag, muzzle, silence lose liberate, loose, loosen, unleashair, express, take out, vent to drive danger or attack away frommay God bless and keep you bulwark, cover, defend, fence, fend, forfend, guard, protect, safeguard, screen, secure, shield, ward avert, preventoppose, resist, withstandbattle, contend, fight, warconserve, preserve, savebuffer, palisade, picket, wall stand up for assail, assault, attack bombard, stormbeset, besiege, overruncapitulate, cave, submit, yield v.keep, observe, celebrate, commemorate mean to notice or honor a day, occasion, or deed.keep stresses the idea of not neglecting or violating.kept the Sabbath by refraining from work observe suggests marking the occasion by ceremonious performance.not all holidays are observed nationally celebrate suggests acknowledging an occasion by festivity.traditionally celebrates Thanksgiving with a huge dinner commemorate suggests that an occasion is marked by observances that remind one of the origin and significance of the event.commemorate Memorial Day with the laying of wreaths before the 12th century |