例句 |
kicked inverbpast tense of kick in to make a donation as part of a group effortif everyone in the department kicks in, we can give him an especially nice present for his retirement chipped in, contributed, pitched in bestowed, donated, gave, presentedawarded, conferred, doled (out), endowedafforded, furnished, provided slangto stop livingthe ornery cuss finally kicked in at the ripe old age of 90 checked out, conked (out), croaked(slang), deceased, demised, departed, died, dropped, ended, exited, expired, fell, flatlined, kicked off(slang), parted, passed away, passed (on), pegged out(chiefly British), perished, popped off, stepped out, succumbed, went predeceasedconsumed, disappeared, dried up, faded, failed bit the dust, bought it(or bought the farm), gave up the ghost, kicked the bucket, snuffed it(British) breathed, lived came to, revivedlingeredexisted, subsisted, wasflourished, prospered, thrived(or throve) |