例句 |
kicking offverbpresent participle of kick off to take the first step in (a process or course of action)I'll kick off the discussion on ethics with this question beginning, commencing, embarking (on or upon), entering (into or upon), falling (to), getting off, launching, leading off, opening, starting, striking (into) creating, generating, inaugurating, initiating, innovating, inventing, originatingadopting, embracing, taking on, taking upestablishing, fathering, founding, instituting, organizing, pioneering, setting up, spawninggetting around (to), getting down (to), getting round (to) getting going, getting to, setting about concluding, ending, finishing, terminating ceasing, desisting, discontinuing, halting, knocking off, laying off, quitting, stoppingclosing, completingabandoning, forsaking, leavingabolishing, demolishing, destroying, exterminating, extinguishing, phasing out slangto stop livingsurprisingly, the recluse was worth a cool million when he kicked off checking out, conking (out), croaking(slang), deceasing, demising, departing, dropping, dying, ending, exiting, expiring, falling, flatlining, going, kicking in(slang), parting, passing away, passing (on), pegging out(chiefly British), perishing, popping off, stepping out, succumbing predeceasingconsuming, disappearing, drying up, fading, failing biting the dust, buying it(or buying the farm), giving up the ghost, kicking the bucket, snuffing it(British) breathing, living coming to, revivinglingeringbeing, existing, subsistingflourishing, prospering, thriving |