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quartersnounpl. of quarter the place where one livesmaintained a level of cleanliness and neatness that was unusual for a bachelor's quarters abode, diggings, domicile, dwelling, fireside, habitation, hearth, hearthstone, home, house, lodging, pad, place, residence, roof accommodations, housing, nest, residency, shelterbungalow, cabin, casita, chalet, cottageduplex, ranch, ranch house, saltbox, semi(chiefly British), split level, townhome, town house, tract house, triplexapartment, apartment house, condo, condominium, flat, tenement, tenement house, walk-uppenthouse, salon, suitebarracks, billet, boardinghouse, dorm, dormitory, flophouse, lodging house, lodgment(or lodgement), rooming house, room(s)castle, château, countryseat, estate, hall, manor, manor house, mansion, McMansion, palace, villafarmhouse, grange, hacienda, homesteaddouble-wide, houseboat, house trailer, mobile home, motor home, recreational vehicle, RV, trailerhermitage, manse, parsonage, rectory, vicaragehooch(or hootch, slang), hovel, hut, hutch, shack, shanty quartersverbpresent tense third-person singular of quarterto provide with living quarters or shelterthe militia is being quartered just outside the city accommodates, bestows, billets, bivouacs, boards, bunks, camps, chambers, domiciles, encamps, harbors, houses, lodges, puts up, roofs, rooms, shelters, takes in ensconces, homes, roosts, secures, sheds, stables, tentsbarracksbeds (down) ejects, evicts |