例句 |
quietingadjective tending to calm the emotions and relieve stressa nice quieting cup of tea after a hard day at work calming, comforting, dreamy, lulling, narcotic, pacifying, relaxing, sedative, soothing, tranquilizing(also tranquillizing) hypnotic, opiateanalgesic, anesthetic, anodyne, deadening, depressant, numbingantianxiety, antidepressant, antidepression, antistress painful, stressful, tiresome, troubling, trying, unsettling, worrisomeenergizing, invigorating, stimulant, stimulatingaggravating, annoying, bothersome, disturbing, exasperating, frustrating, galling, grating, harassing, irksome, irritating, maddening, nettlesome, troublesome, vexatious, vexing quietingverbpresent participle of quietto become still and orderlythe museum docent told the rowdy youngsters to quiet down for the tour calming (down), chilling out(slang), cooling, hushing, piping down, settling (down) drying uprelaxing, tranquilizing(also tranquillizing), unwinding, zoning out cooling it acting up, carrying on, cutting up clowning (around), fooling around, horsing around, monkeying (around), showing off, skylarking to free from distress or disturbancequiet a crying toddler with candy becalming, calming, composing, lullabying, lulling, quietening(chiefly British), salving, settling, soothing, stilling, tranquilizing(also tranquillizing) appeasing, conciliating, hushing, mollifying, pacifying, placatingallaying, alleviating, assuaging, easing, laying, mitigating, quelling, relaxing, relieving, solacingnarcotizing, sedating, stupefying agitating, discomposing, disquieting, disturbing, keying (up), perturbing, upsetting, vexing aggravating, heightening, intensifyingarousing, exciting, fomenting, inciting, rousing, stirring (up), working up to stop the noise or speech ofthe nanny could quiet unruly children with just a look dumbing, extinguishing, hushing, muting, quelling, quietening(chiefly British), settling, shushing, shutting up, silencing, squelching, stilling agitating, stirring |