例句 |
quintessencenoun the most perfect type or examplethe Parthenon in Greece was considered the quintessence of the perfectly proportioned building acme, apotheosis, beau ideal, byword, classic, epitome, exemplar, ideal, perfection archetype, model, prototypeparadigm, standardnonpareil, paragonabstract, avatar, embodier, embodiment, incarnation, incorporation, manifestation, personificationheight, last word, meridian, ultimate, zenithbenchmark, criterion, touchstone, yardstick the quality or qualities that make a thing what it isa selfless desire to help others is the quintessence of the virtue of charity being, essence, essentiality, nature, quiddity, soul, stuff, substance heart, spiritalpha and omega, center, core, keynote, marrow, pith, seatembodiment, epitome, incarnation, manifestation, personificationaspect, attribute, feature, propertygist, kernel, nub name of the game in the 15th century |