例句 |
rimsnounpl. of rim the line or relatively narrow space that marks the outer limit of somethingthe rim of a glass borderlines, borders, boundaries, bounds, brims, circumferences, compasses, confines, edges, edgings, ends, frames, fringes, hems, margins, perimeters, peripheries, skirtings, skirts, verges ambitsbrinks, crests, curbs, cusps, lipsceilings, maxima(or maximums)demarcations, extents, limitations, measures, meres, restrictions, terminationsborderlands, frontiers, marches, outskirts, pales, selvageslapsshores centers, cores, heartsinners, insides, interiors, middles, withins rimsverbpresent tense third-person singular of rimto serve as a border forlong lashes rimmed his eyes borders, bounds, edges, frames, fringes, margins, skirts hems, trimscircumscribes, defines, delineates, demarcates, outlines, silhouettes, sketches, tracescircles, compasses, encircles, encloses(also incloses), environs, girdles, girths, loops, rings, rounds, surrounds, wallschecks, confines, controls, curbs, limits, restrains, restricts |