

单词 quiver
例句 quivernoun

an instance of shaking involuntarily with fear or colda quiver ran through the audience when the monster cornered the movie's hero

shiver, shudder, tremble

agitation, convulsing, jolt, quake, shake, tremor, vibration, wobble(also wabble)fluctuation, flutter, oscillation, wavebeat, palpitation, pulsation, pulse, throb


to make a series of small irregular or violent movementsaspen leaves quivering in the breeze

agitate, bucket, convulse, jerk, jiggle, joggle, jolt, jounce, judder(chiefly British), quake, shake, shudder, vibrate, wobble(also wabble)

rock, sway, swingchatter, quaver, shiver, thrill, trembletwitchdodder, waverflicker, fluctuate, flutter, oscillate, undulate, wavebeat, palpitate, pit-a-pat, pitter-patter, pulsate, pulse, throb

in the 14th century





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