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sweepnoun an area over which activity, capacity, or influence extendsMrs. Griswold has been a teacher for so long that the sweep of her influence extends across three generations of the townspeople ambit, amplitude, breadth, compass, confines, dimension(s), extent, range, reach, realm, scope, width gamut, spectrum, spreadbailiwick, circle, demesne, department, discipline, domain, element, fief, fiefdom, field, province, region, specialty, sphere, terrainfrontierhorizon, panorama sweepverbto move or proceed smoothly and readilythe wind swept across the plain without respite bowl, breeze, brush, coast, cruise, drift, flow, glide, roll, sail, skim, slide, slip, stream, whisk fly, race, rush, speed flounder, struggle limp, lumber, plod, stumble, trudgeshamble, shufflestamp, stomp, stump, tramplabor, toil to turn away from a straight line or coursefrom this point the mountain range sweeps to the northeast and extends into the next state arc, arch, bend, bow, crook, curve, fall off, hook, round, swerve, trend, wheel circle, coil, curlicue, curl, loop, spiralturn, twist, winddeviate, veer straighten n.range, gamut, compass, sweep, scope, orbit mean the extent that lies within the powers of something (as to cover or control).range is a general term indicating the extent of one's perception or the extent of powers, capacities, or possibilities.the entire range of human experience gamut suggests a graduated series running from one possible extreme to another.a performance that ran the gamut of emotions compass implies a sometimes limited extent of perception, knowledge, or activity.your concerns lie beyond the narrow compass of this study sweep suggests extent, often circular or arc-shaped, of motion or activity.the book covers the entire sweep of criminal activity scope is applicable to an area of activity, predetermined and limited, but somewhat flexible.as time went on, the scope of the investigation widened orbit suggests an often circumscribed range of activity or influence within which forces work toward accommodation.within that restricted orbit they tried to effect social change in the 14th century |