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killverb to deprive of lifeduring the war more soldiers were killed by disease than anything else carry off, claim, croak(slang), destroy, dispatch, do in, fell, slay, take bump off, butcher, cut down, finish, get, ice(slang), knock off, murder, neutralize, off(slang), put away, rub out, scrag, snuff, take out, waste, whack(slang)annihilate, blot out, decimate, kill off, massacre, mow, slaughter, smiteassassinate, execute, martyr, terminateeuthanize(also euthanatize), put downsuicide do away with, do for(chiefly British), make away with animate raise, restore, resurrect, resuscitate, revivenurture to reject by or as if by a votethe Senate killed the bill by a single vote blackball, down, negative, nix, shoot down, veto decline, disallow, disapprove, dismiss, refuseblacklist confirm, ratify admit, allow, approve, assent (to), pass, sanctionelect, support to show (something written) to be no longer valid by drawing a cross over or a line through itI think that paragraph is irrelevant, so kill it blue-pencil, cancel, cross (out), dele, delete, edit (out), elide, scratch (out), strike (out), stroke (out), x (out) blot out, efface, eradicate, erase, expunge, obliterate, root (out), rub out, wipe outbleep, blip, clip, cut, excise, removebowdlerize, censor, clean (up), expurgate, launder, redact, red-pencilabbreviate, crop, shortenblack out, repress, silence, suppress stet to use up all the physical energy ofthe long hike up the mountain just about killed us break, burn out, bust, do in, do up, drain, exhaust, fag, fatigue, frazzle, harass, knock out, outwear, tire, tucker (out), wash out, wear, wear out, weary debilitate, enervate, enfeeble, sap, waste, weaken wear to a frazzle activate, energize, invigorate, rejuvenate, strengthen, vitalizerelax, rest, unwind to attract or delight as if by magicwith his dark good looks he would positively kill the ladies allure, beguile, bewitch, captivate, charm, enchant, fascinate, magnetize, wile, witch(archaic) disarm, draw, entice, lure, pull, seduce, temptdelight, gratify, pleasearrest, enrapture, enthrall(or enthral), entranceappeal (to), interest, intriguebeckon, court, invite, solicit, woo disgust, offend, repel, revoltannoy, displease, irkbore, tire, weary to cause to stop functioningkill the engine before it overheats deactivate, shut off, turn off flick (off)dismantle, mothball, phase outarrest, brake, chock, cut off, draw up, halt, jam, stall, stick activate, actuate, crank (up), drive, move, propel, run, set off, spark, start, touch off, trigger, turn on charge, electrify, energize, fire, fuel, generate, power, pushdischarge, launch, release, switch, tripreactivate, recharge kill, slay, murder, assassinate, dispatch, execute mean to deprive of life.kill merely states the fact of death caused by an agency in any manner.killed in an accident frost killed the plants slay is a chiefly literary term implying deliberateness and violence but not necessarily motive.slew thousands of the Philistines murder specifically implies stealth and motive and premeditation and therefore full moral responsibility.convicted of murdering a rival assassinate applies to deliberate killing openly or secretly often for political motives.terrorists assassinated the Senator dispatch stresses quickness and directness in putting to death.dispatched the sentry with one bullet execute stresses putting to death as a legal penalty.executed by lethal gas in the 14th century |