

单词 brisk
例句 briskadjective

having much high-spirited energy and movementa brisk exercise that many athletes use to warm up

active, airy, animate, animated, bouncing, energetic, frisky, gay, jaunty, jazzy, kinetic, lively, mettlesome, peppy, perky, pert, pizzazzy(or pizazzy), racy, snappy, spanking, sparky, spirited, sprightly, springy, vital, vivacious, zippy

dapper, dashing, spiffyagog, alert, awake, open-eyed, up, wide-awakeagile, nimble, sprybright, buoyant, cheerful, chipper, chirpy, chirrupy, effervescent, sparkly, upbeateager, enthusiastic, keenfrolicsome, impish, pixieish, playfulboisterous, bubbly, ebullient, exuberant, high-spiritedhigh-strung, nervous, skittish

on the go

dead, inactive, inanimate, lackadaisical, languid, languishing, languorous, leaden, lifeless, limp, listless, spiritless, vapid

indolent, lazy, unambitiousinert, lethargic, sleepy, sluggish, tired, torpid, wearyapathetic, impassive, phlegmatic, stolidboring, dull, irksome, tedious

moving, proceeding, or acting with great speedmoved at a brisk walk through the exhibit

blistering, breakneck, breathless, dizzy, fast, fleet, fleet-footed, flying, galloping, hasty, hot, lightning, nippy, quick, rapid, rapid-fire, rattling, snappy, speedy, splitting, swift, whirlwind, zippy

expeditious, prompt, readyaccelerated, hastened, hurried, quickened, rushedbreathtakingenergetic, strenuous, strong, vigoroushigh-speedrushultrafast, ultrarapid

at speed(chiefly British)


crawling, dallying, dawdling, dillydallying, dragging, laggard, languid, lingering, plodding, poking, poky(or pokey), slowish, sluggish, unhurrieddeliberate, leisurely, measureddilatory, late, tardyultraslow

marked by much life, movement, or activitybrisk trading on the stock market

aboil, abubble, abuzz, alive, animated, astir, bustling, busy, buzzing, flourishing, happening, hopping, humming, kinetic, lively, rousing, stirring, thriving, vibrant

abounding, crowded, overflowing, populous, swarming, teeming, thronging

asleep, dead, inactive, lifeless, sleepy

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