例句 |
kindsnounpl. of kind a number of persons or things that are grouped together because they have something in commonI like that kind of candy breeds, classes, descriptions, feathers, genres, ilks, kidneys, likes, manners, natures, orders, sorts, species, strains, stripes, types, varieties modelssamples, specimensbrackets, bunches, categories, divisions, families, grades, groupings, groups, lots, persuasions, ranks, sets, suites one of the units into which a whole is divided on the basis of a common characteristicwe looked at just about every kind of flooring before deciding which to use in the kitchen brackets, categories, classes, classifications, divisions, families, genera(also genuses), grades, groups, leagues, orders, ranks, rubrics, sets, species, tiers, types descriptions, feathers, ilks, kidneys, likes, manners, natures, sortsbranches, sections, specialities, specialties, subclasses, subdivisions, subgroups, subspecieses, varietiesbreeds, racesgenerationsheadings, labels, titles |