例句 |
distributionnoun the act or process of giving out something to each member of a groupaid workers oversaw the distribution of supplies to the flood victims admeasurement, allocation, allotment, apportionment, disbursement, dispensation, division, issuance reallocation, reapportionment, redistribution, redivision, repartitionpartition, separation the way objects in space or events in time are arranged or follow one anotherthe distribution of those stars has long suggested the form of a dipper arrangement, array, disposal, disposition, order, ordering, sequence, setup continuityprecedence, prioritychain, procession, progression, successionseriesaligning(also alining), alignment(also alinement), lining updesign, layout, pattern, structure, system confusion, disorder, disorganization, disruption, upsetdisconnection, disjointedness in the 14th century |