例句 |
disturbsverbpresent tense third-person singular of disturb to trouble the mind of; to make uneasyall that talk of war disturbed us agitates, ails, alarms(also alarums), bothers, concerns, derails, discomforts, discomposes, dismays, disquiets, distempers, distracts, distresses, exercises, flurries, frazzles, freaks (out), fusses, hagrides, perturbs, undoes, unhinges, unsettles, upsets, weirds out, worries aggravates, angers, annoys, bugs, chafes, chivies(or chivvies), exasperates, frets, galls, gets, grates, harasses, harries, irks, irritates, nettles, peeves, pesters, piques, puts off, puts out, riles, vexesbedevils, haunts, plaguesabashes, confounds, confuses, discomfits, disconcerts, discountenances, embarrasses, fazes, flusters, jars, mortifies, nonpluses(or nonplusses), rattles, shakes updaunts, demoralizes, discourages, disheartens, dispirits, unnerves calms, composes, quiets, settles, soothes, tranquilizes(also tranquillizes) allays, alleviates, assuagesappeases, conciliates, mollifies, pacifies, placates, propitiates to change the place or position ofthe items on her desk had been disturbed by someone budges, dislocates, displaces, moves, relocates, removes, repositions, shifts, transfers, transposes bears, carries, carts, conveys, drives, hauls, lugs, totes, transmits, transplants, transportsreplaces, supersedes, supplantsalters, makes over, modifies, redoes, refashions, remakes, remodels, revamps, revises, reworks, varies anchors, fixes, freezes, moors, secures, sets, stabilizesembeds(also imbeds), entrenches(also intrenches), implants, ingrains(also engrains), lodges, roots to undo the proper order or arrangement ofher careful filing system is sure to be disturbed during the move confuses, deranges, disarranges, disarrays, discomposes, dishevels, disjoints, dislocates, disorders, disorganizes, disrupts, hashes, jumbles, messes (up), mixes (up), muddles, musses, rumples, scrambles, shuffles, tousles, tumbles, upsets embroils, entangles, snarls, tanglesagitates, perturbs, stirs (up), unsettlesclutters arranges, arrays, disposes, draws up, marshals(also marshalls), orders, organizes, ranges, regulates, straightens (up), tidies aligns(also alines), lines, lines up, queuesclassifies, codifies, methodizes, systematizes, systemizesadjusts, fixesgrooms, makes up, spruces (up)unscrambles to thrust oneself upon (another) without invitationsorry to disturb you while you're working bothers, bugs, chivies(or chivvies), intrudes (upon), pesters inconveniences, troublesaggravates, annoys, bedevils, chafes, devils, dogs, duns, exasperates, frets, galls, gets, gnaws, grates, hassles, irks, irritates, nettles, peeves, persecutes, piques, puts out, rankles, rasps, riles, roils, torments, vexes, worriesbeleaguers, besets, besiegesdistresses, plaguesafflicts, harasses, provokesangers, antagonizes, enrages, incenses, inflames(also enflames), infuriates, maddens, outragesagitates, perturbsbutts in, cuts in (on), obtrudesencroaches, infringes, invades, trespasses disregards, forgets, ignores, leaves, slightsappeases, conciliates, disarms, mollifies, obliges, placatesdelights, gladdens, gratifies, pleases, satisfiescomforts, consoles, contents to cause discomfort to or trouble forplease do not disturb yourself—I'll get my own drink discommodes, disobliges, incommodes, inconveniences, puts out, troubles burdens, encumbers, saddles, weighsfetters, hampers, hamstrings, handicaps, hinders, hobbles, holds back, holds up, impedes, inhibits, interferes (with), manacles, obstructs, shackles, ties up, trammelsaggravates, angers, annoys, bothers, bugs, chafes, exasperates, galls, gets, irks, nettles, peeves, piques, riles, vexesgrates, inflames(also enflames), provokesagitates, perturbs, upsets accommodates, favors, obliges abets, aids, assists, helpseases, facilitates, smooths(also smoothes)appeases, conciliates, disarms, mollifies, pacifies, placatesdelights, gladdens, gratifies, pleases, satisfiescomforts, consoles, contents |