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divergeverb to change one's course or directionthe deer abruptly diverged from its intended path the moment it spied the waiting lynx detour, deviate, sheer, swerve, swing, turn, turn off, veer, wheel tack, zigzagdouble (back), turn back to go or move in different directions from a central pointat that point the road and the railroad tracks diverge branch (out), divide, fork, part, separate, spread bestrew, break up, broadcast, clear out, disband, dispel, disperse, dissipate, distribute, scatter, sowdistance, recede, retreat converge, join assemble, gather, meet swerve, veer, deviate, depart, digress, diverge mean to turn aside from a straight course.swerve may suggest a physical, mental, or moral turning away from a given course, often with abruptness.swerved to avoid hitting the dog veer implies a major change in direction.at that point the path veers to the right deviate implies a turning from a customary or prescribed course.never deviated from her daily routine depart suggests a deviation from a traditional or conventional course or type.occasionally departs from his own guidelines digress applies to a departing from the subject of one's discourse.a professor prone to digress diverge may equal depart but usually suggests a branching of a main path into two or more leading in different directions.after school their paths diverged in 1665 |