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dotnoun a small area that is different (as in color) from the main partthere was just a dot on the tablecloth where the food had spattered blotch, dapple, eyespot, fleck, mottle, patch, pip, point, speck, speckle, splotch, spot birthmark, freckle, moleblob, blot, mark, smear, smudge, smutch, stainspatter, splashpolka dot dotverbto cover by or as if by scattering something over or ona hillside dotted with wildflowers bestrew, pepper, scatter, sow, spot, spray, sprinkle, strew blanket, drizzle, duststuddapple, fleck, speckle, stipplebespatter, spatter to mark with small spots especially unevenlythe practice of some chefs of positioning a small portion of food in the center and dotting the rest of the plate with sauce blotch, dapple, fleck, freckle, marble, mottle, pepper, shoot, speck, speckle, splotch, spot, sprinkle, stipple blot, dye, stainband, bar, streak, stripeintersperse, set, studbespatter, spatter in 1596 |