例句 |
admirationsnounpl. of admiration a feeling of great approval and likingmy admiration for her increased when I discovered she had learned English only since coming to the U.S. accounts, appreciations, esteems, estimations, favors, regards, respects appetites, fancies, likes, loves, partialities, preferences, relishes, shines, tastes, usesacclamations, adorations, adulations, approbations, deferences, hero worships, homages, honors, idolatries, infatuations, lionizations, praises, props(slang), reverences, venerations, worshipsdelights, enjoymentsamazements, awes, wonderments, wondersenthusiasms, interests, passionsbiases, prejudicesaffections, attachments, devotions, passions disfavors condemnations, disapprovals, disdains, opprobriums, scornsdisappointments, discontents, disenchantments, disgruntlements, disillusionments, displeasures, indignationsaversions, contempts, disfavors, disgusts, disinclinations, dislikes, disregards, distasteshates, hatreds, loathings, nauseas, repugnances, repulsions, revulsionsabominations, antipathies, detestationsdeprecations, displeasures, dissatisfactions |