例句 |
tamesverbpresent tense third-person singular of tame to keep from exceeding a desirable degree or level (as of expression)try to tame your language when you're in front of the kids bridles, checks, constrains, contains, controls, curbs, governs, holds, inhibits, keeps, measures, pulls in, regulates, reins (in), restrains, rules bottles (up), chokes (back), holds back, minces, muffles, pockets, represses, sinks, smothers, squelches, stifles, strangles, suppresses, swallowsarrests, interrupts, stopsblocks, hampers, handcuffs, hinders, impedes, obstructsgags, muzzles, silences loses liberates, loosens, looses, unleashesairs, expresses, takes out, vents |