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leadadjective highest in rank or authoritythe lead diplomat is responsible for making policy for the entire embassy chief, commanding, first, foremost, head, high, leading, preeminent, premier, presiding, primary, prime, principal, supereminent, supreme, top high-level, seniorcontrolling, directing, managing, officiating, overseeing, regnant, reigning, ruling, supervisorymain, major, paramount, predominant, predominate, sovereign(also sovran)ascendant(also ascendent), dominant, grand, superior, topmost, upmost, upper, uppermost in charge ancillary, inferior, last, less, lesser, lower, lowly, second, secondary, subordinate, subsidiaryassistant, assisting, coadjutor, deputy, junior, under leadnounthe person who has the most important role in a play, movie, or TV showthe actor's career has really taken off since he became the lead in that prime-time drama the space or amount of space between two points, lines, surfaces, or objectsthe runner maintained a lead of several meters all the way around the track distance, length, remove, spacing, spread, stretch, way altitude, area, breadth, depth, height, rise, space, volume, widthextension, extentcast, range, reach, scope, shot, sweep, throwdrop, fall, flight, haulberth, clearance a piece of advice or useful information especially from an expertmy sister got a lead on the job opening from her neighbor, who is the human resources director for the company hint, pointer, tip advice, advisement, assistance, counsel, guidance, recommendation, suggestioncaution, cautioning, sign, signal, telltale, tip-off, warningbrief, direction, feedback, instruction, observationprompt, reminder, urginganswer, clue, solution a slight or indirect pointing to something (as a solution or explanation)the police are now working on several leads generated by the evidence gathered at the crime scene clue, cue, hint, indication, inkling, intimation, suggestion breath, flicker, glimmer, glimpse, mention, scent, whiff, windhunch, idea, inspiration, notionallusion, implication, inference, innuendo, insinuationdenotation, evidence, guidepost, key, mark, overtone, pointer, sign, signal, telltale, tokenassistance, nod, prompt, tip, tip-off, winkfeeling, foreboding, intuition, premonition, presentiment, suspicionaugury, foreshadower, foretaste, harbinger, omen, portent, prefigurement, presage, symptom answer, solution leadverbto point out the way for (someone) especially from a position in frontan enthusiastic docent led our group through the art museum conduct, direct, guide, marshal(also marshall), pilot, route, show, steer, usher precedeaccompany, attend, chaperone(or chaperon), convoy, escort, seecontrol, manage follow, trail dog, hound, shadow, tail, tailgate to serve as leader ofa senior programmer is leading the team that is developing the new accounting software boss, captain, command, head, spearhead control, dominatedirect, govern, handle, manage, oversee, regulate, run, superintend, supervise bow (to), comply (with), defer (to), follow, obey, serve, submit (to), yield (to) to be at the front ofthe local high school's marching band led the parade head precedeannounce, heraldaccompany, attend, escort, usher conclude, end, finish, stop, terminatetail, tailgatedog, follow, trail to be positioned along a certain course or in a certain directionthis old road leads to an abandoned quarry bear, extend, go, head, lie, run cross, cut, passcourse, follow, span, traverse to give advice and instruction to (someone) regarding the course or process to be followedthe salesclerk led us through the maze of options now available to television buyers coach, counsel, guide, mentor, pilot, shepherd, show, tutor godfatherdirect, engineer, steer, swayaccompany, attend, chaperone(or chaperon), convoy, escort, see, squireoversee, superintend, supervisedrill, trainbrief, enlighten, informinstruct, school, teachinculcate, indoctrinatecultivate, foster, nurture walk through v.guide, lead, steer, pilot, engineer mean to direct in a course or show the way to be followed.guide implies intimate knowledge of the way and of all its difficulties and dangers.guided the scouts through the cave lead implies showing the way and often keeping those that follow under control and in order.led his team to victory steer implies an ability to keep to a course and stresses the capacity of maneuvering correctly.steered the ship through a narrow channel pilot suggests guidance over a dangerous or complicated course.piloted the bill through the Senate engineer implies finding ways to avoid or overcome difficulties in achieving an end or carrying out a plan.engineered his son's election to the governorship before the 12th century |