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plansnounpl. of plan a method worked out in advance for achieving some objectivethere is a contingency plan in the office for handling almost any emergency arrangements, blueprints, designs, game plans, games, ground plans, master plans, programs, projects, road maps, schemes, strategies, systems collusions, conspiracies, plotscontrivances, devices, gambits, maneuvers, ruses, stratagems, subterfuges, trickscounterplans, counterstrategies(or counter-strategies)means, tactics, techniques, waysprocedures, protocolsconceptions, ideas, projets, proposals, specifications, specificsaims, intentions, intents, purposesdiagrams, formulas(or formulae), layouts, maps, patterns, platforms, policies, recipes, setups something that one hopes or intends to accomplishour plan is to finish up by next Friday aims, ambitions, aspirations, bournes(also bourns), designs, dreams, ends, goals, ideals, ideas, intentions, intents, marks, meanings, objectives, objects, points, pretensions, purposes, targets, things grails, holy grailsplots, projects, schemesdesires, hopes, minds, wishesnirvanasdestinations, termini(or terminuses) means, methods, ways plansverbpresent tense third-person singular of planto work out the details of (something) in advancewe planned the school dance down to the smallest detail arranges, blueprints, budgets, calculates, charts, choreographs, designs, frames, lays out, maps (out), organizes, prepares, projects, schemes (out), shapes, strategizes (about) conspires, contrives, devises, intrigues, machinates, plots, puts upconcerts, gets updrafts, outlines, sketchesaims, figures, has on, intends, meanscontemplates, meditates, premeditates to have in mind as a purpose or goalI plan to have a party for my birthday, even if I have to throw it myself aims, allows(chiefly Southern & Midland), aspires, calculates, contemplates, designs, goes(chiefly Southern & Midland), intends, looks, means, meditates, proposes, purports, purposes dreams, hopes, wishesconsiders, debates, mulls (over), pondersattempts, endeavors, strives, struggles, triesplots, schemesaccomplishes, achieves, effects, executes, performs figures on |