例句 |
dudgeonsnounpl. of dudgeon the feeling of being offended or resentful after a slight or indignitystomped off in high dudgeon after having his honor questioned huffs, miffs, offenses(or offences), peeves, piques, resentments, umbrages aggravations, angers, annoyances, botherations, bothers, discomforts, exasperations, frustrations, griefs, irritations, vexationsagitations, displeasures, distresses, disturbances, indignations, ires, outrages, perturbations, upsetsdanders, tempersfits, pets, pouts, sulks, tantrums, tizziesaffronts, barbs, brickbats, digs, indignities, insults, put-downs, slaps, slights, slurs satisfactionsappeasements, mollifications, pacificationscontentments, delights, gratifications, pleasures |