例句 |
light-mindedadjective lacking in seriousness or maturitythe movie was a light-minded take on the biblical story of Noah and the Flood birdbrained, ditzy(or ditsy), dizzy, featherbrained, flighty, frivolous, frothy, futile, giddy, goofy, harebrained, light-headed, puerile, scatterbrained, silly, yeasty fatuous, foolish, inane, nonsensical, thoughtless, witlesscrazy, daffy, daft, fruityexuberant, flippant, fluttery, giggly, happy, light, lighthearted, playfulsappy, shallow, superficial earnest, serious, serious-minded, sober, unfrivolous grave, melancholy, somber(or sombre), thoughtfuldignified, heavy, no-nonsense, sedate, severe, solemn, staid in 1575 |