例句 |
lumbersverbpresent tense third-person singular of lumber to move heavily or clumsilythe elephant lumbered through the jungle barges, clumps, flogs(British), flounders, galumphs, lumps, plods, pounds, scuffles, scuffs, shambles, shuffles, slogs, sloughs, stamps, stomps, stumbles, stumps, tramps, tromps, trudges drags, flops, haulsblunders, careens, dodders, lurches, reels, staggers, sways, teeters, totters, waddles, weaves, wobbles(also wabbles) breezes, coasts, glides, slides, waltzes, whisks drifts, floats, hangs, hovers, poises, wafts to proceed or act clumsily or ineffectuallythe novel's plot lumbers to its predictable conclusion after 500 long pages blunders, bumbles, flogs(British), flounders, limps, plods, struggles, stumbles, trudges jogs, shambles, shuffleswallows, weltersfalters, lurches, reels, staggers, sways, teeters, tottersfumbles, muddles coasts, flies, glides, kilts, sails, zips, zooms to make a low heavy rolling soundthe horse-drawn wagon lumbered along the trail growls, grumbles, rolls, rumbles booms, drums, thundersbellows to place a weight or burden onpreparations that will lumber the expedition with unnecessary equipment and supplies burdens, encumbers, freights, ladens, lades, loads, saddles, weights clogs, clutters, fills, packsheaps, mounds, piles, stackspresses, weighsstrains, taxesoverburdens, overloads, overtaxes, surchargeshampers, handicapsafflicts, oppresses disburdens, discharges, disencumbers, unburdens, unlades, unloads alleviates, eases, lightens, relieves |