例句 |
edits (out)verbpresent tense third-person singular of edit (out) to show (something written) to be no longer valid by drawing a cross over or a line through itanything potentially offensive or disturbing was edited out of the newsletter before it was mailed blue-pencils, cancels, crosses (out), deles, deletes, elides, kills, scratches (out), strikes (out), strokes (out), x's (out) blots out, effaces, eradicates, erases, expunges, obliterates, roots (out), rubs out, wipes outbleeps, blips, clips, cuts, excises, removesbowdlerizes, censors, cleans (up), expurgates, launders, redacts, red-pencilsabbreviates, crops, shortensblacks out, represses, silences, suppresses stets |