例句 |
reflectionnoun a briefly expressed opiniondoes anyone want to share their reflections on the passage we just read? comment, note, remark analysis, commentary, expositionaside, obiter dictumannotationbelief, conviction, eye, feeling, judgment(or judgement), mind, notion, persuasion, sentiment, verdict, viewadvice, input a cause of shameyour constant lying is a serious reflection on your character disgrace, dishonor, opprobrium, reproach, scandal blot, brand, slur, smirch, spot, stain, stigma, taint credit, honor boast, glory, jewel, pride, treasure a careful weighing of the reasons for or against somethingafter reflection, they decided to refuse the offer on the house account, advisement, consideration, debate, deliberation, study, thought cogitation, contemplation, meditation, pondering, ruminationintrospectionagonizing, hesitation, indecisionpremeditation short shrift in the 14th century |