例句 |
elegiacadjectivealso elegiacal causing or marked by an atmosphere lacking in cheerthe sight of an old ruined church or castle can be a pleasantly elegiac experience black, bleak, cheerless, chill, Cimmerian, cloudy, cold, comfortless, dark, darkening, depressing, depressive, desolate, dire, disconsolate, dismal, drear, dreary, dreich(chiefly Scottish), forlorn, funereal, gloomy, glum, godforsaken, gray(also grey), lonely, lonesome, lugubrious, miserable, morbid, morose, murky, plutonian, saturnine, sepulchral, solemn, somber(or sombre), sullen, sunless, tenebrific, tenebrous, wretched blue, dejected, depressed, despondent, down, droopy, hangdog, inconsolable, low, melancholic, melancholy, mirthless, sad, unhappy, woebegone, woefuldim, discomfiting, discouraging, disheartening, dismaying, dispiriting, distressful, distressing, upsettingdesperate, hopeless, pessimisticlamentable, mournful, plaintive, sorrowfulcolorless, drab, dulldour, grim, lowering(also louring), lowery(also loury), menacing, negative, oppressive, threatening bright, cheerful, cheering, cheery, comforting, cordial, festive, friendly, gay, heartwarming, sunshiny blithe, blithesome, buoyant, gay, jocund, jolly, joyful, joyous, merry, mirthfulencouraging, hopeful, optimisticlighthearted, lightsome in the 15th century |