例句 |
lividitynoun an intense emotional state of displeasure with someone or somethingthe level of the boss's lividity was something I'd never seen outside of cartoons—I almost expected steam to rise out of his head anger, angriness, birse(chiefly Scottish), choler, furor, fury, indignation, irateness, ire, lividness, mad, madness, mood(archaic), outrage, rage, spleen, wrath, wrathfulness aggravation, annoyance, exasperation, irritation, vexationacrimoniousness, acrimony, animosity, antagonism, antipathy, bile, biliousness, bitterness, contempt, embitterment, empoisonment, enmity, grudge, hostility, rancorenvy, jaundice, jealousy, pique, resentmentmalevolence, malice, spite, vengefulness, venom, vindictiveness, virulence, vitriolbelligerence, contentiousness, contrariness, crankiness, disputatiousness, hot-headedness, irascibility, irascibleness, irritability, orneriness, pugnaciousness, pugnacity, quarrelsomeness, querulousnessblowup, flare, flare-up, outburstchafe, dander, dudgeon, huff, pet, rise, ruffle, temperair rage, road ragedelirium, heat, passion, warmth slow burn delight, pleasure calmness, forbearance, patience in the 15th century |