

单词 refuted
例句 refutedverbpast tense of refute

to declare not to be truewhile he was publicly refuting rumors of a merger, behind the scenes the CEO was working to effect that very outcome

contradicted, denied, disaffirmed, disallowed, disavowed, disclaimed, disconfirmed, disowned, gainsaid, negated, negatived, rejected, repudiated

traversedchallenged, confuted, disproved, rebutteddisagreed (with), disputed

acknowledged, admitted, allowed, avowed, conceded, confirmed, owned

accepted, adopted, embraced, espousedaffirmed, announced, asserted, averred, claimed, declared, maintained, professed, submittedauthenticated, corroborated, substantiated, validated, verified

to prove to be falsethe victories of African-American athlete Jesse Owens in the 1936 Olympics effectively refuted the racial views of the Nazis

belied, confounded, confuted, debunked, disconfirmed, discredited, disproved, falsified, rebutted, shot down

overthrew, overturnedchallenged, contested, queried, questioneddoubted, mistrusteddebated, discussed, hashed (over), mooted, talked over

gave the lie to

confirmed, established, proved, validated, verified

documented, evidenced, evinced, recorded, showed, supported, witnessedbacked (up), buttressed, corroborated, substantiatedadduced, attested, authenticated, certified, identifieddemonstrated, displayed, illustrated, manifested





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