例句 |
embroideringnoun the representation of something in terms that go beyond the factswith considerable embroidering the owners of the bed-and-breakfast have turned a few odd incidents into a full-blown legend of ghostly apparitions caricature, coloring, elaboration, embellishment, embroidery, exaggeration, hyperbole, magnification, overstatement, padding, stretching amplification, enhancementfabrication, misrepresentationfudging, hedginghype, pufferysuperlative meiosis, understatement belittlement, disparagement, minimizing, poor-mouthing embroideringverbpresent participle of embroiderto add to the interest of by including made-up detailsDad likes to embroider his fishing stories coloring, elaborating (on), embellishing, exaggerating, hyperbolizing, magnifying, padding, stretching dressing up, gussying upamplifying, enhancing, enlarging (on or upon), expanding, fleshing (out)fudging, hedgingoverdoing, overdrawing, overemphasizing, overplaying, overstatingemphasizing, playing up, stressingcaricaturingsatirizing belittling, minimizing, playing down, understating |