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across-the-boardadjective belonging or relating to the wholean across-the-board reduction in the state's budget because of declining revenues blanket, broad-brush, common, general, generic, global, overall, universal all-embracing, broad, broad-gauge(or broad-gauged), broadscale, comprehensive, extensive, inclusionary, overarching, pervasive, sweeping, ubiquitous, wholesale, wide, widespreadaggregate, collective, complete, full, plenaryplanetary, worldwide individual, particular component, constituentcross-sectional, divisional, fragmentary, partiallocal, localized, regional, sectional across the boardphrasewith everyone or everything taken into account at the same timeThe Oscar-nominated film received a positive reception across the board. all around, all told, altogether, collectedly, collectively, inclusively, overall, together broadly, generally, liberally, loosely, macroscopicallyall over, completely, comprehensively, encyclopedically, entirely, exhaustively, fully, sweepingly, thoroughly, totally, wholly all in all, in the aggregate, on the whole detailedly, microscopically, minutelyliterally, narrowly, restrictedly, strictlyalone, categorically, distinctly, exclusively, fractionally, individually, separately, singly, singularly, solely, solitarily, specifically in 1945 |