例句 |
admissionnoun an open declaration of something (as a fault or the commission of an offense) about oneselfby her own admission, her cooking is not the greatest acknowledgment(or acknowledgement), avowal, concession, confession, self-confession self-accusation, self-betrayal, self-revelationself-incrimination, self-recrimination, self-reproachaffirmation, assertion, avouchment, claim, confirmation, declaration, insistence, professionallowanceapology, hand-wringingbetrayal, disclosure, divulgence, giveaway, revelationannouncement, declaration, proclamation, pronouncementblame, fault, responsibilitycontriteness, contrition, penitence, regret, remorse, remorsefulness, repentance, rue disavowal, nonadmission denial, disallowance, disclaimer, recantation, rejection, renouncement, repudiation the means or right of entering or participating inno admission unless accompanied by an adult access, accession, admittance, door, doorway, entrance, entrée(or entree), entry, gateway, ingress, key, passport, ticket approval, authorization, certification, permission, qualificationopen door, welcome mat discharge, dismissal, ejection, expulsion, ouster, rejection, removal in the 15th century |