例句 |
admitsverbpresent tense third-person singular of admit to accept the truth or existence of (something) usually reluctantlythe host of the talk show eventually admitted that she hadn't actually read the book you can't bring yourself to admit your mistakes acknowledges, agrees, allows, concedes, confesses, fesses (up), grants, owns (up to) disburdens, unburdens, unloadsaffirms, avows, confirms, professesaccepts, recognizes, yieldsannounces, breaks, broadcasts, communicates, declares, discloses, divulges, imparts, proclaims, publishes, reveals, spills, tells, unveilsbetrays, blabs, exposes, gives away, informs, leaks, rats, squeals, talks, tattles, tips (off), warns, wises (up)breathes, says, whispers comes clean (about) denies disallows, disavows, disclaims, disownscontradicts, disputes, gainsays, negates, negativesrebuts, refutes, rejects, repudiatesconceals, covers (up), hides, obscures, veilskids (oneself) to offer entrance (as to a place, school, or privilege) toshe was admitted to Harvard enters, receives, takes entertains, welcomesfellowshipsconfirms, ratifies bans, bars declines, disallows, disapproves, dismisses, refuses, rejectsblackballs, blacklists, ostracizesbanishes, deports, exiles, expels, ousts, throws out to make an acknowledgment of something unpleasant as true or validI admit to some suspicions about the new neighbors confesses, cops (to)(slang), fesses (up), owns (up) blabs, talks, tattlesbabbles, spills clams up, hushes, quiets (down), shuts up |